Note: You do not have to be a Member to shop at Good Groceries; you're welcome to register as a Guest, SNAP/FDNP, or Shipping customer.
Do you like to support mission-based organizations and get special perks? Sign up at the bottom of this page for a Membership Subscription to enjoy:
Your membership automatically renews every 30 days. You may pause or cancel at any time; refunds are not available.
Please note that when you create a Membership account using the PayWhirl button below, it is a separate account from your Good Groceries shopping account.
FAQ: Does the Membership fee go toward my food purchase?
No. There are two aspects of Provisions:
Because as much as 80% of the price of a food item goes directly to its producer, membership mostly has to do with getting the food.
FAQ: Do Members have to order every week?
No, just when you want to. But small weekly orders are welcome.
FAQ: May my friends and I share a membership?
Yes! Any group of people may share a Membership; just select one person to pay the fee and place orders. These orders are delivered as one parcel; it’s up to the group to divvy it up. Membership dividends are limited to one each per membership.
FAQ: May I have a membership even if I don't live in Wallowa County, but just want to support Good Groceries' mission?
Yes, you are the most special kind of Member of them all. :)
Shop your values and support your neighbors with Good Groceries!