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We are a family owned and operated custom beef and poultry operation located in Joseph Oregon. Susan and Chris Brun run the ranch, and daughter Celilo operates Hurricane Cattle Company, a cow-calf operation.

We raise a small number of Angus cattle. Our goal is to offer high Choice to Prime grade beef that is delicious to eat. We do this by custom-feeding corn, oats, barley, and hay to our herd for 6 to 9 months after they are weaned from grass at about 5 to 6 months of age. Our cattle are raised with love and are tame. We keep a close eye on them to make sure they stay healthy and happy. We never use growth hormones. 

Our beef is highly marbled, juicy, and very tender. You will taste the difference when compared to other methods of finishing. Thanks for taking the time to learn about our operation and supporting small, local agriculture!

Hurricane Creek Ranch