Tre-Fin has built a co-op of like-minded local fishers who run small, fast day boats outfitted to bring in the same superior quality albacore caught on the Opportunaty, whose two captains (Barrett and Mike), along with deckhand Malissa, are a hardworking, squared-away, veteran team at sea.
Traditional hook and line method allows Tre-Fin to minimize the amount of by-catch. Each wild fish is handled individually, allowing the Tre-Fin team to control its journey, right up until they hand it off to us.
Few local fishers can claim to bring their catch back within 24 hours, let alone process it themselves. Tre-Fin does both.
We pride ourselves on taking responsibility for every step along the supply chain, to get seafood from healthy populations in OR and WA waters to your plate. The fact that we process what we catch in our own certified facility means we have total control of the quality of our product, and we're creating additional jobs in our community. These are the cornerstones of our business and our mission to support the growth of the sustainable fisheries movement while strengthening the fishing community that serves you.